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Hupp Group Photos

Pr. Hupp and Colette at Graduation 2015

Gopal, Pr. Hupp, Colette, Mike - Spring 2015

Mary Pat, Pr. Hupp (and baby #2), Mariel, and Julian after the Academic Conference 2014

Mary Pat and Mariel present at Pittcon 2014, Chicago, IL
Mary Pat, Prof. Hupp, and Mariel at the
Summer Research Symposium at Holy Cross in August 2013

Julian, Dee, Pr. Hupp, Mariel, and Jack - Hupp Group Spring 2013
Julian Goding and Dorisanne Ragon
present at the
2013 National ACS Meeting in New Orleans, LA
Summer 2012 - Hupp Barbeque
Dorisanne Ragon, Julian Goding, Jack O'Connor, and Pr. Hupp
Graduation 2011
Pr. Hupp (and baby #1) and Brian Blum
Pittcon 2011
Pr. Hupp and Sarah
Summer 2010 Bowling Competition
Pr. Hupp, Sarah Boehm, and Brian